Tuesday, June 28, 2011

view of turkey from the plane.

IMG_9066 by themorningtrain on Flickr.

A well-earned smoke.

Protect Yourself With A Nazar

 If you’ve ever traveled to Turkey, you will see blue glass beads with an eye painted on it just about anywhere you turn.  The Nazar, or evil eye stone, protects against the evil eye, so a lot of people wear them as jewelry, have them on a key chain, or hanging somewhere in the house.  I have even seen them mixed into the cement on sidewalks.  What exactly does “the evil eye” mean?  According to Wikipedia, “The evil eye is a look that is believed by many cultures to be able to cause injury or bad luck for the person at whom it is directed for reasons of envy or dislike.” 

 I figure it can’t hurt to have a few on hand!  You don’t have to travel to Turkey, the Mediterranean, or the Middle East to get one, either – I have seen them in kiosks in malls, and you can order them online on places like Amazon and eBay.

Have you seen one, or do you wear one?  Share your comment by clicking on “Your Thoughts” above the picture.

view of turkey from the plane.

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