Saturday, June 25, 2011

In Ephesus there were thousands of cats!  I exaggerate, but...

ANzAC memorials where the allied forces fought in world war I.  They fought in Turkey because the Ottoman Empire was an Ally of Germany at that time and wanted to topple it.  Amazing of Turkey to make a tribute for them!

Lonely Planet: Top 5 tips for Ramadan:

I told my friends the other day that I wanted to try fasting with them some during Ramadan. 

As Catholics, we fast some as well, but I feel like this would be a good excuse to reflect on my own faith as well as immerse myself some more in the culture here. They were happily surprised and instantly began gushing about the beauty of the season and why it meant so much to them. 

“Is it difficult?” I asked curiously, thinking of how in the world I would survive the hottest month of the year here without water during most of the day.

“At first,” they nodded. “But after the second day, you get used to it. Some days are harder than others, but we love it.”

They described the iftar dinners, when Muslims break their fast every day after sundown. 

“Food covers every space on the table. There is everything. Dates, meats, eggplant dishes, soups, stuffed grape leaves, salads, breads, and of course sweets and tea.”

“We eat, we visit with family, and we invite others to join us,” the other sister explained.

My friends from Texas (non-Muslims) who moved here a year ago said they are getting away for a bit during Ramadan but do find it fascinating here. They gave me this advice:

“Do not go anywhere before dinner. The streets will be the craziest you’ve ever seen. People are hungry, haven’t had their smokes, and are just all around tired.”

“Yeah, wait until 10 minutes after Ramadan has begun. The streets will be empty. A bit surreal.”

“And you should try to go to a restaurant at least once. But book in advance. Restaurants are packed with people, and everyone waits and then breaks together though they do not know one another. Really, a beautiful, cool experience.”

We don’t have anything like this in the States. I am fascinated and cannot wait to experience another first…


Kitties found at Troy area.

Nearly 12,000 Syrians have fled to safety in neighbouring Turkey [Photo credit AFP: Adem Altan]

Syrian tanks rolled into a village on the border with Turkey where workers are scrambling to erect a huge tent city for fear of a new exodus of refugees from the crackdown.


my scoop


Kitty curious

Kitty sees

Kitty evils

In Ephesus there were thousands of cats!  I exaggerate, but there were fucking hordes!  I don’t like cats but they make good photo subjects :)

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