Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Here is an interesting example of what I call ‘occultech’ that I snapped in a taxi in Istanbul. Notice the evil eye stickers on the audio controls. Who says faith is the enemy of tech?

6000 km du couchant au levant - de Paris à Jérusalem à pied et à vélo

Three lovely turkeys are talking it up at Animal Place’s Grass Valley sanctuary. The trio were confiscated along with other farmed animals from an individual who was not providing proper care. The turkeys were living in mud, muck and feces up to their thighs. Other animals were said to be malnourished and sickly. All the turkeys were signed over, and the person is facingfelony animal cruelty charges.


I’ve traveled a great deal, seeing as it’s my main hobby I wanted to post some photos of places I have visited across the Atlantic Ocean. I am definitely leaving some out to not make this too long. I am so proud of where i’ve been and that i’ve had the chance to live and spend so much time in some of these cities. I am attracted to people who travel and crave adventure, this is probably why I fell in love with my fiance’ who on our first date told me of when he was held hostage in Morocco. Sexy indeed.

I’m looking forward to adding many many more destinations to the below in years to come.


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