Saturday, June 25, 2011


I’m baaaack!

Oh, how I’ve missed Istanbul. And my lovely Macbook. Does that sound like I have a problem? Oh well. I probably do.

Anyway. Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, and Israel were all wonderful in their own ways. I have complaints about each one too but those aren’t important.

I’ll write a full entry later when I’m not trying to scarf down delicious Turkish food that I just ordered as a self-welcome home. Let normal posting resume.

my bestfriend, is back from turkey! she did a rotary exchange and was there for a year! 

when i saw her she began speaking turkish to me. when i told her i couldnt understand her because she wasn’t speaking spanish she began to cry. its weird to be back. i know how she feels. i cant even begin to imagine how i would be if i wouldve stayed in italy for a year.


A turkey egg I found. inhabited with sluggs

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