Friday, June 17, 2011

Ok im done

old men fishing on the bosphorus all day. just for the smoky fish sandwiches. istanbul, turkey

Galata Kulesi, ?stanbul/ Galata Tower, Istanbul

h?z?m?z? alamay?p 3 kiz boynumuzda kocaman foto?raf makinalar? ile eski ?stanbul sokaklar?n? tam 6 saat boyunca aח susuz yrd?mz bir gnn son anlar?nda חekilmi? bir karedir… Galata Kulesi’nden ?i?hane’ye yryp taksiye bindi?imizde ba?layan i? ח?k?? trafi?inde durmak bile bize tatl? gelmi?ti!

it was so cute xD

I hope my Turkish-speaking anon comes back. Unless anyone else wants to help?

Ok im done

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